Thursday, October 8, 2009


Dalang ;  A man behind the screen

Dalang is a puppet master in wayang play. Not everyone can be a dalang. Dalang is a most extraordinary man. First of all, he is a public entertainer. To amuse a great number of people is not an easy matter. He must be physically strong and healthy, otherwise he would
not be able to stand the strain. Just imagine, he is seated cross-legged for nine successive hours. He cannot even have a wink of sleep. He cannot get up from his set until six o'clock the nextmorning. He also has to strike the kechrek (rattle) with his right foot almost incessantly. He
handles the puppets with both hands, imitates their different voices, tell jokes at the right times, and even sings every now and then.

In addition, he controls the musicians without anyone among the audience ever noticing it. 

The dalang manipulates the puppets, sings and taps out signals to the orchestra. He also speaks the parts for all the characters; he must be able to render the shy sweetness in the voice of a princess, the spiteful whine of a lackey and the righteous but controlled anger of a noble hero.

Shadow Puppets - Indonesia

Wayang Kulit are Indonesian shadow puppets. Wayang means puppet and kulit means leather. The puppets made from animal skin, are flat, and are seen mainly in profile. You can see that the head, legs and feet all face the same direction but the upper torso is turned so that both shoulders can be seen. The arms are very long. 

The puppets are decorated with details of facial features, head-dresses, jewellery and clothes. They are painted with bright colours, as they may be used in daytime shows as well as shadow performances. A stick supports the body. This is wider at the bottom where it has to stick in the banana log to keep the puppet upright.